Today I returned to the canyon (Raabklamm) which I mentioned in my former blog to photograph the Grass Snakes and the Yellow-bellied Toad’s. Because of the high summer temperatures I had the hope that not too much people would be visiting this place. After a walk I arrived at the first mud pool and noticed that half of the water was evaporated. A tiny little Grass Snake was hunting and just at the moment I wanted to touch my shutter.....the first two people were passing and due to their heavy moves no Grass Snake were left! Again and again people came passing by so after a while I gave up and walked into the wonderful canyon as a lot of butterflies were flying around. I was lying on the mud path for the White Admiral, which was in fact not cooperative when suddenly a bigger butterfly landed on the path in front of me. was just if I was dreaming......a female Purple Emperor was sitting in front of me! When I came too close she flew up but always landed nearby. Unfortunately, again three people were walking through the path.....three elder men came and one of them started a discussion with me as he was convinced that this butterfly was the Poplar Admiral. Next to it, without questioning anything, he started photographing this butterfly in front of my tripod and chased her away up into the trees........
Fortunately I could photograph 4 hunting Grass Snakes when I returned at the mud pool.
22/7/2013 09:08:28 am
Hoi Silvia, schitterende opnames! ik had graag naast je gelegen!(LOL)
22/7/2013 10:06:31 am
Hey Louis, je had graag naast me in de modder mogen liggen; zulke mooie vlinderschoonheden deel ik graag. Helaas was de tijd tekort en het weer te mooi want in die twee 'klammen' zaten nog heel veel andere mooie vlindersoorten zoals de iepenpage, zomererebia, keizersmantels, bosrandparelmoervlinders en super veel kleine ijsvogelvlinders en op sommige plekken ook de spireazwever....eigenlijk moet ik terug ;-).
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