Satyrium pruni - Black Hairstreak - Pruimenpage - Pflaumen Zipfelfalter
The uppersides of the male are sooty brown, with an inconspicuous grey sex-brand near the front of the forewing and som small orange patches near the tail on the hindwing. The female, often is little paler than the male, has an orange band nearly all round the hindwing and usually has an orange flush towards the outer edge of the forewing. The uppersides are never seen at rest. The undersides are mid-brown with a strong golden sheen and a prominent black-edged white streak on each wing. the hindwing has a bright-orange submarginal band, edged with eye-catching black spots on the inside. Flight from June to July in wooland and hedgerows. The larval foodplants are Blackthorns and other prunus pecies.