Phengaris rebeli - Mountain Alcon Blue - Berggentiaanblauwtje - Kreuzenzian Ameisenbläuling
The underside of the Alcon Blue is greyish brown with marginal markings and black spots on each wing. The male upperside is pale violet-blue with narrow black borders. The females are basically violet-blue with broad black borders; sometimes so heavily dusted with sooty scales that the blue is hardly visible. The larval foodplants are Cross-leaved Gentians (gentiana cruciata). The Mountain Alcon Blue has strong habitat requirements: Dry grassland with Gentians and ants. The caterpillars spend the winter in the ants nest and they will feed them as their own brood. The Moutain Alcon Blue is found in altitudes of 1000 - 2000 metres.