This is a female of the Winter Moth (Operophtera brumata) which found a suitable place on my window. This species is active at night throughout the winter from October to December. The female is wingless and the male is fully winged and flies strongly to find the female. After mating, the females lay their eggs in tree bark crevices or in other sheltered locations and all adults die.....a new generation will be hatch in spring and a new circle of life will start again.
What a beautiful world outside! I was up early and with -18,7 degree Celsius I waited in the dark for a red or pink sun to rise.....instead fog came up. Unfortunately no beautiful sunrise but enough fairytale land to photograph like these trees in a forest.....I tried to create some arctic atmosphere! Canon 7D; tripod; remote release; 35-350mm at 65mm, 1s at F29 and ISO100
At last winter started this week with a thin layer of snow. Comparing to last winter it is nothing but I shall not complain as I’m happy that snow and cold finally arrived. While it was snowing I went out with my camera as I wanted to photograph Snowdrops, but the plants I photographed earlier were not photogenic enough. Fortunately I found some moss in the snow with the beautiful scientific name: Tortula muralis (it reminds of Pirates of the Caribbean) . It took me some time to find the right composition and in the meantime the snow was thick enough for some over exposure shots. Canon 7D; tripod; remote release; 180 mm, 1/12s + 3stop over exposure at F3.5 and ISO100 Today the employees of the weather forecast FINALLY did their job correctly and the promised snow is falling right now.......of course I was out and enjoyed winter wonderland! I photographed the same crocuses as one week ago. The advantage of photographing with frost is that people are in a hurry and don’t speak or ask anything :-). Canon 7D; beanbag; remote release; 180 mm, 1/200s + 1 2/3 stop over exposure at F3.5 and ISO100
Jibt dir dit Leben mal een Buff, denn weene keene Träne. Lach Dir'n Ast und setz Dir druff und baumle mit de Beene.
December 2024