Longing a long time for them and suddenly there they are....the spring flowers.....almost all together at the same time.....snowdrops, crocuses, liverleafs, violets and daisies. With unfortunately only one red sunrise it's difficult to choose one spring flower as the perfect conditions are very short....sometimes only a few seconds.
Yesterday morning it was the cyclamen turn and while I was busy with these flowers, a Little Owl was sitting a few yards away and did not pay any attention to me. Later I switched my lens but unfortunately an irritating branch disturbed my owl photo......a kind of life story at the moment as I am wishing for a tree without branches!
Unfortunately, I'm not recovered yet from the backache. I'm still unable to stoop, lay down or walk 'normal' and quickly. As I bought an old Meyer Optik lens some weeks ago, my hunger to use this lens was growing day by day. Due to my physical restrictions I was unable to photograph in a 'normal' flower growing position so I had to use a trick. The Meyer Optik lens which I bought recently is the same I already have with the difference that the condition (coating) of the 'new' one is much better and the photos are a little bit sharper. Fortunately, my finger was still able to find the shutter button and I made a lot of photos from this blue anemone. 99% of the photos have a sharp left flower. Later when I selected the photos, I preferred the right flower to be sharp. My brain hemisphere can't argue about tastes!
Birds have a bad habit: loosing their excrements without control. I hate this behaviour, especially when they attack my car, the shit hit my head or like some weeks ago when my front window was almost completely white. But sometimes their excrements creates something beautiful like new flowers.
Last Sunday, after I returned from the black Cartierheide, it became a beautiful day with a lot of sunshine, the first butterfly (Brimstone) of 2013 and a little red bug. Very often, the little things in life are precious.......like this ladybird on a flower. Enjoy the little things in life and one day you will realize they were the big things. From the astronomical view spring has started today, from my personal view it is still winter.....
The first blue moor frog came out one week ago but due to the decreasing temperatures, amphibians, insects, spiders.....every sign of spring disappeared again. Heavy snow and a temperature of -11 degree Celsius.....not really what I’m longing for. ‘My’ snowdrops were covered by snow and when the snow melted, not much of them was left. Fortunately some flowers did survive! The weather forecast for next week is hopeless and although I have resolved not complaining about the weather, I really DISLIKE it!
I’m longing for warmth and to photograph a living creature......so maybe my next blog will take a bit longer. Wow......a lot can happen in a few days......on my way to work two beautiful sunrises, spring flowers everywhere, singing birds, a jumping spider on my window, met nice photographers during my lecture, learnt again a lesson about human behaviour, saw and felt a lot of sadness...... The public garden, which I mentioned in my former blog, is gently rolling and I had an image in mind with the colours of the traffic light in the background. Unfortunately, almost every flower was growing ‘down’ instead of ‘up’ and I had no spade with me to dig a ‘German’ hole. Finally I found a suitable, but little group of snowdrops. The advantage of a traffic light in comparison with a sunrise or sunset is that it is not moving......the only challenge I had was to catch all the colours it has and ignore the wind to gain some sharpness.
Yesterday, I badly needed an energy boost so I went out, enjoyed the fresh air, one minute of sunshine (it wasn’t me) and searched for some spring flowers.......unfortunately I only found one snowdrop which I only could photograph with my ‘normal’ macro lens. Too bad this morning started with a grey wake-up, no red sunrise, so probably next week I will give it a try again as I know a public garden with some more snowdrops and hopefully I can use my wide angle lens.
Due to the fact I caught a bad flu/cold I could resist the desire to go out. Instead I stayed inside with my study books (what else shall I do the next four years) and good music. Longing for colours, sun and butterflies, I treat myself to tulips. Not a photogenic, special or natural flower but they give me the impression that spring time will come soon. And, as they are flowering inside the house (for a few days) it’s party time while photographing them.......
Yesterday I saw the first emerged butterflies. Although the temperature was not that high, a Small White (Pieris rapae) and Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) were slowly enjoying the sun and the nectar of the Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria). In the evening I decided to drive to an area where a lot of Cuckoo Flowers are growing to see if I can find some Orange-tips or Whites resting on these flowers. I took a small sandy path through the forest as once (six or seven years ago) I had driven there together with a friend. While I was driving on this path I was wondering where all the hills came from.....I was slowly driving up and down, up and down and after a few minutes I started wondering if this was a smart idea as I heard some noises under my car. The path was too sandy and the hills were too steep so I gave myself immediately the answer but the point was that I was out there alone so I had no choice. After a while the path became very narrow and I had to choose a direction; I couldn’t remember being there ever before. Fortunately I choose the right direction as after a few hundreds meter I could see in the distance the main road. I learned another lesson yesterday: saving money for a 4 wheel drive! Finally I reached the wet meadows and the first Cuckoo Flowers were flowering. The sun was hiding behind the clouds and it was cold and windy. I was walking and searching for a long time but I did not find one single resting butterfly. The Cuckoo Flowers were lovely and I found a ditch full of Iris so I will return soon....very soon to search for Orange-tips! Canon 7D; beanbag; angle finder; remote release; 180 mm, 1/85s at F3.5 and ISO125
Jibt dir dit Leben mal een Buff, denn weene keene Träne. Lach Dir'n Ast und setz Dir druff und baumle mit de Beene.
December 2024