Last Sunday I was 'en route' with Frank & Gerard again and we visited the same area as one year ago to search for the Queen of Spain Fritillary. We knew that the chance finding one of them was low. The first hour we did not find any living creature at all. But then we entered a meadow and found the first of 15 Small Coppers. It's remarkable because the evening before I found two coppers roosting nearby my home and during my stay in the Vosges earlier, I photographed this species a few times. It looks like the third generation has better conditions than the first and second one! Unfortunately all of them were roosting on places where it was impossible to catch them with the first or last warm light in the background. So I waited to catch them with open wings: Although I found them in four different areas they had one thing in common....they were all roosting on brown/dead flower buds for optimal camouflage!
Yesterday morning, on my way to France, I paid a visit to the southern spot of the Long-tailed Blue. The day before yesterday 6 specimens were seen so I thought finding them would be a piece of cake. Their habitat was a small roadside full with flowering perennial peavine (lathyrus latifolius). Unfortunately there was a lot of traffic and finding them roosting a mission impossible! The moment I wanted to give up I found one. I was very happy but photographing this species was not easy as he flew away soon as I installed my plamp (due to the traffic there was a lot of wind). He landed somewere on the higher part of the roadside and in the beginning I had no intention to search for him until a bit further I noticed a small path up (it was obvious that I was not the first photographer on this spot). Fortunately I found him back and very carefully I installed my plamp again and took some photos of this beauftiful species! Later that day I learned that a lot of people visited this spot too which found also some eggs and would be great to have a new butterfly species in the Netherlands!
Jibt dir dit Leben mal een Buff, denn weene keene Träne. Lach Dir'n Ast und setz Dir druff und baumle mit de Beene.
December 2024