I wish you all Merry Christmas and the very best for 2017! From my personal point of view, 2016 was a nice year! But, 2016 was also a year with too much killings due to terror attacks and wars....my thoughts at the moment are with my beloved Berlin. I'm worried about the speed our society is losing morals and values; it's is chaning into a direction which is not mine! Sometimes it really does get hard to stay positive when it feels like the world is going crazy. To keep my energy level up, I'm outside as often as I can. Preferably just me and nature. These two young swans were so sweet and friendly to each other that humans can learn a lot from them! Merry Christmas - Prettige kerstdagen - Frohe Weihnachten - I will be back in 2017.
The transformation into a white paradise is addictive just like the snow squeaking under my feet that I'm already longing for the next winterperiod. It's amazing that some frost and/or snow can transform nature into a kind of fairytale which looks peacefully. In this white fairytale no war in Syria exists, neither any racism or xenophobia.....only me, an empty mind and a couple of Whooper Swans. I love fairytales!
My wish from my previous blog has come true and I visited 'my' swans a few times meanwhile. Every visit was different. The swans have the characteristic to spend the night on the most quiet (less crowded) place which means on the other and not accessible side of the lake so a 600 mm-lens is nothing! After two cold nights the complete group was sleeping on the ice but just too far away.....10 meters closer would have been perfect! To catch the swans completely on the ice/photo, I needed to climb with my tripod and camera on the tussocks of grass for a higher position....not very stable when you had to wait in that position for the sun. But, I will not complain as I'm happy with this image. Probably the next opportunity to visit this area again will take a little longer as my calendar is filled with appointments the coming weeks.
I 'm already looking forward to two weeks Christmas Holiday! |
Jibt dir dit Leben mal een Buff, denn weene keene Träne. Lach Dir'n Ast und setz Dir druff und baumle mit de Beene.
December 2024