This morning my day started in the dark with the intention to catch the common purple heather together with the rising sun. As I visited a certain area for the last time during the winter, I had no idea where I could find the best purple heather and where exactly the sun was rising....I know, not very clever for a photographer but due to the lack of time I had no other choice. By the time the sky started colouring orange I noticed that there was'nt much purple heather but a lot of grass and faded cross-leaved heath instead. There was some slight fog, the sky was orange but I was messing around with my filter(s), more with the holder and the ring.....first I was not able to fasten the filter in the holder and some later, when I wanted to change the position of the filter a little bit, the complete holder including filter falled down in the wet grass. By the time I had a dry filter again, the best red in the sky was gone. As I had more problems this morning with the filters and holder, I assume that it has something to do with me and that I must use them more often. By the time the sun was rising above the trees I was holding three filters in my hand; I found out earlier that it's better to use them without any space inbetween to avoid reflections. Completely wet, I made an error of judgement to assume that the area was dry, I was walking back to my car with the desire for a cup of warm coffee!
Louis Foulon
29/8/2015 04:29:20 am
Hoi Silvia, ja moeilijk hoor landschap, en het gebruik van filters! ik ben er maar mee gestopt, oefening baart kunst zeggen ze, maar voor mij niet weggelegd! toch een paar fraai platen er aan overgehouden, dus je ochtend is geslaagd!
Silvia Reiche
29/8/2015 08:38:53 am
Bedankt voor je reactie Louis! Ik doe het gewoon te weinig en daarnaast is het een heel lastig gebied voor landschapsfotografie (net te klein met teveel bomen). Wel heel mooi waren de massa's vogels op het water (en dan met name het geluid wat ze maakten). Als het goed is komt morgenvroeg een nieuwe kans :-). Groeten Silvia
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