After three months, it was a great joy to meet everybody from the 'Palinka' club again last Sunday. The 'reunion' started with a tour in a forest nearby to search for mushrooms and ended with very nice converstations and new tour/holiday plans in the sun. Inbetween there was the opportunity to photograph the coloured chrysalis of a Red Admiral which was ready to emerge. On Sunday evening I was watching one of my favourites detectives on TV when suddenly a butterfly was flying around. Very sneaky a much younger chrysalis was emerged and for a while the butterfly was resting on my kitchen tiles. As my kitchen is not the perfect habitat for a new born butterfly, I offered him a flower for nectar and during the night he stayed on this flower in the garden. The next morning I catched him early again with my camera and some later when the sun was warmer he flew away. In the meantime also my last chrysalis of the Comma Butterfly emerged during the night!
There is one butterfly species who always sit down on the most unique objects which serves humanity (like chairs, bicycles and/or bicycle bells, trailers, rails......). Thanks to the tropical temperatures a lot of butterflies can be found at the moment; I have resolved that I’m going to photograph the most common butterfly species as they are easily to find nearby (it was really hot)! Since years, every evening a Red Admiral visits his favourite ‘before I go to sleep’ place; it is very interesting because every few months it must be an other butterfly but they are always sit down at the same square metre. For the first time I had a high-key photo in mind and after at least 20 attempts the butterfly did not fly I was very close he moved his wings and with a longer shutter time sometimes it looked like he was dancing and while I was photographing this ‘dancing’ butterfly, Avicii’s beat came into my mind......a great song with a great message and lovely dance beat! So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older All this time I was finding myself And I didn't know I was lost Life's a game made for everyone And love is a prize ©Avicii/Wake me up What a beautiful autumn weather we have in the Netherlands this year. Every minute that the sun is shining I'm outside and enjoy the little creatures which I see. Today I visited a forest with a lot of oaks and beeches and I saw a lot of ladybugs. Two days ago I was pleased to see and photograph a Red Admiral (which is in fact a migrating butterfly). This will probably my last taken butterfly picture of's a kind of farewell but I'm also looking forward what 2012 will bring as the 'emperors' will return in spring.
Jibt dir dit Leben mal een Buff, denn weene keene Träne. Lach Dir'n Ast und setz Dir druff und baumle mit de Beene.
December 2024